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A journey of breaking-barriers to re-shape
traditional philanthropic practices

RPG Foundation, under Radha Goenka’s guidance, is carving a path for India’s future by channeling investments into youth, women, environment, and culture.

Functioning as a social incubator, RPG Foundation actively fosters the growth of innovative ideas, providing the support needed for successful implementation.

Over the years, the Foundation has emerged as a pivotal social innovation hub, nurturing niche concepts and transforming them into tangible realities. The achievements are amplified through the impactful work of our NGOs, namely Pehlay Akshar Foundation, The Heritage Project, nature:re.

The RPG Foundation is a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. As the sister organisation of the RPG Group, we drive social impact at scale by addressing the specific needs of underserved communities.

Our Journey

A journey of breaking-barriers to re-shape
traditional philanthropic practices.
